September 11, 2024

How to Get Sponsorship: Step-by-Step Guide for Events

Discover how to get sponsorships for your event with our comprehensive guide. Follow these steps to attract sponsors, craft pitches, and maximize funding.

Would you like to secure top-tier sponsors for your next event? The right approach can make this happen for you. 

Securing funding is a critical aspect of hosting successful events, as it not only covers essential costs but also amplifies the event’s reach and influence. 

However, navigating the sponsorship landscape comes with challenges like identifying the right sponsors, crafting compelling proposals, and standing out in a crowded market. With event sponsorships accounting for about 30% of a company’s marketing budget, getting it right is vital.

This guide will help you overcome these challenges and secure the sponsorships your event needs to thrive, making the process manageable and strategic.

Understanding Sponsorship

What is a Sponsorship?

Sponsorship is a business relationship in which a company provides financial support, resources, or services to an individual, event, or organization in exchange for promotional benefits. 

Event sponsorship specifically involves companies supporting events in exchange for brand exposure. This can range from funding to in-kind contributions like products, services, or media support. The goal is to create a win-win scenario where the sponsor gains visibility and the event secures the resources it needs to succeed.

How do Sponsorships Work?

Sponsorships are strategic partnerships focused on achieving ROI through increased brand visibility, direct engagement with the target audience, and alignment with corporate values. Event sponsorships provide sponsors with a unique opportunity to market their brand in an environment where attendees are engaged and interested.

Business Objectives for Sponsorship

Sponsors typically have specific business objectives that drive their involvement in events:

  • Boosting Brand Awareness: Increasing visibility among a targeted audience.
  • Reaching New Audiences: Expanding into new demographics or markets.
  • Generating Leads: Capturing potential customers' information for future marketing efforts.
  • Enhancing Brand Image: Aligning with events that reflect their corporate values.
  • Fostering Community Engagement: Demonstrating social responsibility by supporting relevant events.

Promotional Benefits Exchanged for Sponsorship

  • Brand visibility at the event
  • Logo placement on event materials like badges, kiosks, brochures, etc.
  • Social media mentions and online promotion
  • Access to attendee data for marketing purposes
  • Opportunities for product sampling or demonstrations

Mutual Benefits for Sponsors and Recipients

  • Enhanced brand credibility for sponsors through association with a reputable event
  • Increased funding and resources for event organizers
  • Opportunities for networking and relationship-building
  • Long-term partnerships that benefit both parties beyond the event.

Types of Sponsorships

When it comes to event sponsorships, understanding the different types can help you tailor your approach to meet both your event’s needs and the sponsor’s goals. Every kind of sponsorship offers unique benefits and opportunities for collaboration.

Financial or Cash Sponsorship

This is the most straightforward type of sponsorship, where a company provides cash in exchange for specific promotional benefits. It's versatile and can be used to cover a wide range of event expenses, from venue rental to marketing efforts. It provides:

  • Direct financial support for your event’s budget
  • Flexibility in using funds across various event aspects
  • Clear, measurable ROI for the sponsor

In-kind Sponsorship

In-kind sponsorship involves the donation of goods or services instead of cash. This type of sponsorship can be especially valuable for events needing specific resources, such as venues, catering, or digital services. It helps in the following ways:

  • Reduces event costs by providing essential resources
  • Can include services like catering, venue, or tech support
  • Enhances event quality with high-value contributions

Media Sponsorship

Media sponsorships involve media outlets providing free advertising or funding in exchange for brand visibility. This type of sponsorship is particularly effective for increasing event awareness and driving attendance. It offers the following benefits:

  • Provides media exposure through advertising, PR, and coverage
  • Increases event visibility and attendance
  • Often includes cross-promotion with media outlets

Promotional Sponsorship

Promotional sponsorships focus on individuals or influencers who boost event visibility through their channels. Unlike media sponsorships, these are often more personal and can involve direct engagement with the audience. It involves the following:

  • Leveraging influencers' platforms for event promotion
  • Enhancing credibility with targeted audiences
  • Can include social media takeovers, shout-outs, and event appearances

Corporate Sponsorship

Corporate sponsorship involves a company aligning with an event to enhance its brand image and reach. This type of sponsorship often includes long-term partnerships and can be highly beneficial for both parties. It's beneficial in the following ways:

  • Aligns the company with a specific cause or community
  • Provides extensive branding opportunities at the event
  • Builds long-term relationships with event organizers

Product Sponsorship

Product sponsorship involves companies providing products instead of cash to support an event. This could include anything from food and beverages to tech gadgets or apparel. It offers the following benefits:

  • Introduces and samples products to a targeted audience
  • Enhances attendee experience with high-quality products
  • Provides an opportunity for product demonstrations or giveaways

Now that we understand the advantages, let’s explore how to find those perfect sponsors.

How to Research and Find Potential Sponsors?

Finding the right sponsors requires thorough research and strategic planning. This process begins with understanding your event's value and aligning it with potential sponsors' goals.

Conducting an Asset Analysis

Begin by assessing what your event brings to the table. Identify critical assets to create a compelling sponsorship proposal highlighting what sponsors will gain in return for their support. It includes analyzing the following:

  • Audience Demographics: Who attends your events? Age, gender, profession, and interests are vital for sponsors targeting specific demographics.
  • Brand Exposure Opportunities: Locations and methods where sponsor logos and messages will be displayed, such as event signage, badges, websites, and social media.
  • Event Reach and Attendance: The expected number of attendees and the scope of media coverage.
  • Content and Programming: You can integrate sponsorship opportunities into the event content, such as branded sessions or speaking opportunities.
  • Digital Assets: Online visibility through email campaigns, social media, and website mentions.
  • Swag and Promotional Materials: Branded merchandise and giveaways that sponsors can provide to attendees.
  • Donor and Membership Base: Existing supporters and members who align with potential sponsors’ target audience.
  • Extensive Employee Workforce: A large, engaged workforce that could participate in or promote the event.
  • Valued Vendor Relationships: Established partnerships with vendors that could be leveraged for sponsorship opportunities.
  • Compelling and Emotional Mission: A mission that resonates with sponsors, aligning with their corporate values or social responsibility goals.

Evaluating Existing Supporters

Review your current and past supporters. Companies that have already invested in your event are likely to do so again, especially if you can offer them increased value or new opportunities for exposure. These relationships are often easier to renew and expand than forging new ones from scratch.

Platforms like fielddrive offer advanced solutions that turn existing support into profitable sponsorships. By integrating premium badge branding and innovative lead retrieval revenue share, fielddrive ensures that sponsors and exhibitors not only gain visibility but also see a return on their investment.

Leveraging Technology for Sponsor Research

Use digital tools and software to streamline your sponsor research. Online platforms like Sponseasy, SponsorMyEvent, SponsorPitch, and OpenSponsorship are invaluable for finding potential sponsors. These tools provide databases of companies that are actively seeking sponsorship opportunities, allowing you to identify and reach out to sponsors that fit your event’s profile.

Identifying High-Potential Sponsors in Your Industry

Focus on companies within your industry or those that target your event's audience. Sponsors with a vested interest in your field are more likely to see the value in partnering with you. Research their previous sponsorships, product launches, and marketing strategies to tailor your approach.

Aligning Sponsors with Event Values, Goals, and Audience

Aligning your event’s mission and a sponsor’s values is critical to a successful partnership. Sponsors are more likely to invest in events that reflect their own goals and resonate with their target audience. This alignment enhances the authenticity of the partnership and can lead to long-term collaboration.

Selecting Sponsors Driven by ROI

Target sponsors that prioritize return on investment. These companies are interested in measurable outcomes, such as lead generation, brand awareness, or sales conversions. Demonstrating how your event can deliver these results will make your pitch more appealing.

Networking and Industry Events

Attending industry conferences and networking events can provide valuable opportunities to meet potential sponsors face-to-face. Building in-person relationships allows you to pitch your event more effectively and establish a rapport that can lead to sponsorship deals.

Once you've pinpointed potential sponsors, the next step is crafting a proposal they can’t resist.

Creating A Compelling Sponsorship Proposal

Crafting a winning sponsorship proposal is crucial to securing the support you need for your event. A well-structured proposal not only outlines what you’re offering but also highlights the value sponsors will gain from their investment.

Key Components to Include in a Proposal

A well-crafted sponsorship proposal must be clear, concise, and compelling. It should highlight the mutual benefits of the partnership and demonstrate the potential ROI for the sponsor.

  • Event overview: Describe your event's purpose, goals, and audience.
  • Sponsorship tiers: Offer different levels of involvement, each with specific benefits.
  • Audience data: Include relevant demographics and engagement metrics.
  • Branding opportunities: Detail where and how the sponsor's brand will be featured.
  • ROI metrics: Provide data on expected returns, like leads or brand exposure.

Creating Tailored Sponsorship Packages

Customizing sponsorship packages ensures that each sponsor's needs and objectives are met. Understanding the sponsor’s goals allows you to create packages that align with their brand and resonate with your audience.

  • Assess sponsor goals: Tailor packages to meet the specific marketing objectives of each sponsor.
  • Customize involvement levels: Offer various levels of sponsorship, from high-profile to niche opportunities.
  • Include exclusive options: Offer unique perks like VIP access or exclusive branding opportunities.
  • Align with audience interests: Design packages that appeal to the demographic of your event.

fielddrive enables the creation of bespoke sponsorship packages with features like digital signage at check-in kiosks and detailed attendee insights, converting opportunities into highly profitable ventures.

Offering Sponsor Incentives

Offering the right incentives can make your sponsorship proposal more appealing. These should be tailored to provide real value to the sponsor and align with their business objectives.

  • Exclusive branding: Prime logo placement and dedicated promotional content.
  • VIP experiences: Access to exclusive areas or events.
  • Data access: Provide post-event data and analytics for further marketing opportunities.
  • Product showcasing: Opportunities for sampling or demonstrations.
  • Networking opportunities: Introduce sponsors to key industry figures.

Include Common Questions Sponsors Ask

Sponsors will want to ensure that their investment is worthwhile. Being prepared to answer their questions confidently will strengthen your proposal.

  • Target demographic: Who will be attending the event?
  • Brand integration: How will their brand be showcased?
  • Expected ROI: What kind of return can they expect?
  • Alignment with values: How does the event align with their corporate goals?
  • Past successes: What has been the event’s track record?

Staying Confident in Your Proposal

Confidence in your proposal is crucial in persuading potential sponsors. Show that you believe in the value of your event and the benefits it offers.

  • Know your value: Be clear on what makes your event attractive to sponsors.
  • Practice your pitch: Ensure your delivery is smooth and persuasive.
  • Be prepared: Anticipate questions and have strong answers ready.
  • Maintain positivity: Convey enthusiasm and a positive outlook.
  • Focus on mutual benefits: Highlight how both parties will benefit from the partnership.

Pitching and Communication Strategies

Effective communication is crucial when pitching to potential sponsors. Utilizing the right strategies can significantly improve your chances of securing sponsorships.

Personalized Emails

Tailor your emails to each potential sponsor, addressing their specific needs and goals. Highlight how your event aligns with their brand values and the unique benefits they’ll receive. Personalized emails are ideal for the initial outreach, as they demonstrate thoughtfulness and relevance. 

For example: Mention how your event aligns with the sponsor’s brand values, like a fitness event for a sportswear company, highlighting exposure to their target audience.

Direct Phone Calls

After establishing initial contact through email, follow up with a direct phone call. This approach adds a personal touch, allowing you to discuss the proposal in detail and address any concerns in real time. Use phone calls when the potential sponsor has shown interest but requires further persuasion.

Video Call for High-Value Deals

For high-stakes sponsorships, nothing beats a face-to-face meeting. Whether in person or via video call, this approach helps build rapport, answer questions in real time, and tailor your pitch to the sponsor's needs.

Follow-Up Strategies

Consistent and timely follow-ups are essential to keep the conversation going. Whether it’s a thank-you email after a meeting or a quick check-in call, follow-ups show your commitment. Use follow-ups to maintain momentum and move closer to securing the deal.

CMS for Tracking Interactions

Utilize Contact Management Software (CMS) tools to track your interactions with potential sponsors. This software helps you manage communication, set follow-up reminders, and keep detailed notes on each sponsor’s preferences. A CMS ensures you stay organized and never miss an opportunity to connect.

Professional Networking

Engage with potential sponsors at industry events or through platforms like LinkedIn. Networking allows you to build relationships before the pitch, making your proposal more likely to be considered. This strategy is beneficial for long-term partnerships and gaining trust within the industry.

Tips for Persuasive Presentations

When presenting your proposal, focus on storytelling, clear visuals, and demonstrating the mutual benefits of the partnership. Practice your pitch to ensure it’s confident and engaging. Use presentations when you have a face-to-face meeting or a video conference with key decision-makers to make a strong, lasting impression. 

For instance, when pitching an outdoor gear company, use storytelling to align their brand with your event, include compelling visuals and data from past events, and emphasize mutual benefits like brand exposure.

Now, let’s discuss how to seal the deal and get that signature on the dotted line.

Securing the Sponsorship Deal

Closing a sponsorship deal involves a series of well-planned steps, each critical to securing a successful partnership.

Identifying Key Decision-Makers

Make sure you know who the key decision-makers are. Identify individuals in marketing, sponsorship, or business development roles. Use LinkedIn or company websites to find the right contacts, as they typically hold the decision-making power regarding sponsorships.

Tactics for Initial Outreach

Begin with a personalized email or video call highlighting how your event aligns with the company’s goals and clearly outlining the benefits. Use data to strengthen your pitch by incorporating key audience insights that demonstrate the value and relevance of your event to the sponsor. Be ready to follow up with more detailed information, ensuring your outreach is tailored to the specific needs and interests of each potential sponsor.

For Example:

“Hi [Name], I hope this message finds you well. I’m reaching out because I believe [Company Name] and our event, [Event Name], have a unique opportunity to collaborate. Our event attracts over 5,000 tech enthusiasts, aligning perfectly with your target audience.”

Tell Your Story

When pitching to potential sponsors, sharing your event’s story is key. Highlight its growth, impact, and mission, and align these with the sponsor’s goals. A compelling narrative not only captures attention but also fosters an emotional connection, positioning your event as a valuable partnership opportunity. This approach makes your pitch more relatable and persuasive, turning it into more than just a sponsorship request.

For example: When pitching to an eco-friendly brand, share how your event has reduced its carbon footprint by 50% over the past three years and how this aligns with its sustainability goals. Mention how partnering with your event can further enhance their reputation as a leader in environmental responsibility.

Post-Meeting Follow-Up Actions

After a meeting, send a follow-up email thanking them for their time, summarizing key points, and outlining the next steps. This keeps the momentum going and shows your commitment to the partnership.

Convince Companies to Sponsor Your Event

Highlight the ROI by emphasizing brand visibility, audience engagement, and alignment with the sponsor's values. Strengthen your pitch with case studies or testimonials from past sponsors. Sweeten the deal by showcasing how their organization will be featured—through marketing collateral, branded videos, social media content, and event swag. Communicate the benefits and make a compelling case for why your event is the perfect partnership opportunity.

Negotiation Tips

During negotiations, be flexible but firm on your event's value. Offer different sponsorship tiers and be transparent about what each level includes. Listen to the sponsor’s needs and be prepared to adjust your offer to meet their expectations while ensuring it’s still beneficial for your event.

For example: If a sponsor asks for more visibility than the current package offers, respond with, “We can explore additional branding opportunities, such as adding your logo to our event badges or providing exclusive social media coverage, to ensure your brand gets the exposure it deserves.”

Final Steps in Securing Sponsorship

Once both parties agree, draft a clear contract outlining deliverables, timelines, and expectations. Ensure all terms are understood and agreed upon before signing. This step formalizes the partnership and sets the foundation for a successful collaboration.

Closing the Sponsorship Deal

To close the deal, reaffirm the mutual benefits and address any last-minute concerns. Express your enthusiasm for the partnership and clearly outline the next steps, including deliverables and communication channels. Seal the agreement with a signed contract to finalize the deal.

Maintaining and Building Sponsorship Relationships

Building strong and lasting relationships with sponsors is essential for securing long-term partnerships.

Building a Connection Over Time

Establishing a relationship doesn’t end once the contract is signed. Regular communication, sharing event updates, and involving sponsors in planning stages help build trust and show that you value their partnership.

Use Sponsor Management Tools

Tools like Salesforce, SponsorMyEvent, and Zoho CRM can streamline communication, track interactions, and manage sponsorship activities. These platforms help maintain organized, ongoing relationships, ensuring that no important touchpoints are missed.

Following Up to Maintain Relationships

Regular follow-ups through emails, calls, or face-to-face meetings are vital to keeping the relationship warm. Post-event, promptly share insights and metrics with sponsors to maintain strong relationships. When you maintain regular, transparent communication, you reinforce the value of their investment and keep the partnership active for future opportunities.

Providing Fulfillment Reports

Fulfillment reports should not only confirm the delivery of promised benefits but also showcase the event’s success in terms of ROI. By including metrics like attendance numbers, media coverage, and attendee interaction, you demonstrate the impact of the sponsorship. Additionally, offering mutual value exchanges, such as exclusive access to event data or future sponsorship opportunities, reinforces the partnership and enhances sponsor satisfaction.

fielddrive’s robust reporting capabilities allow event organizers to measure and highlight not just the ROI but the profitability of sponsorships, reinforcing the value and encouraging continued investment.

Appreciating and Thanking Sponsors

Show your appreciation through personalized thank-you notes, public acknowledgments during the event, and post-event gifts or awards. Highlight their contribution on social media and your event website to further acknowledge their support and strengthen the partnership.

Examples and Case Studies

REBA Wellbeing Congress 2024

  • Event Overview: REBA, a key player in the UK’s employee benefits sector, organized the REBA Wellbeing Congress 2024 and partnered with fielddrive to overcome challenges like inefficient badge printing and attendee flow issues. 
  • Partnership Impact: fielddrive implemented solutions including streamlined check-ins, system integration, and a lead retrieval app. These enhancements led to quicker check-ins, personalized attendee experiences, improved data management, and a 20% profit above investment costs. The partnership resolved operational hurdles and turned the event into a profitable venture, setting the stage for future collaborations.

INBOUND Conference

  • Event Overview: INBOUND, hosted annually by HubSpot, is a leading digital marketing event that draws over 70,000 attendees. It showcases industry leaders and provides ample networking opportunities, making it a key event in the digital marketing space.
  • Sponsorship Impact: INBOUND's sponsorship page effectively attracts potential sponsors by emphasizing the value of exposure to a large and engaged audience. By promising significant visibility and conversion opportunities, the event leverages its strong reputation to secure sponsorships with minimal outreach efforts.

The Sundance Film Festival

  • Event Overview: The Sundance Film Festival is a renowned film festival that showcases independent filmmakers and attracts significant media attention.
  • Sponsorship Success: Major brands like Adobe and Chase have sponsored Sundance, leveraging the festival's cultural cachet to enhance their brand image. Adobe, for instance, used its sponsorship to showcase its creative software tools, engaging filmmakers directly and providing hands-on experiences that resonated with the audience. This alignment with creativity and innovation helped strengthen Adobe's brand association with the arts.

Reuters’ MOMENTUM Technology Event

  • Event Overview: The MOMENTUM technology event by Reuters gathers tech leaders to discuss advancements in digital tools and their societal impact.
  • Sponsorship Strategy: The event's sponsorship packages are designed to offer substantial marketing opportunities beyond traditional logo placements. This approach has helped achieve the event's objectives quickly, demonstrating the importance of creating value for sponsors through innovative engagement strategies and measurable ROI.

The New York Fashion Week

  • Event Overview: New York Fashion Week (NYFW) is a globally recognized event where designers showcase their latest collections.
  • Sponsorship Examples: Brands like American Express and L'Oreal have successfully sponsored NYFW. American Express has provided exclusive access and perks for cardholders, enhancing customer loyalty and brand prestige. L'Oreal, as the official beauty sponsor, utilizes the event to promote its products through backstage access and influencer partnerships, thereby increasing brand visibility and engagement.

How fielddrive Elevates Event Sponsorship?

fielddrive takes event sponsorship to a whole new level by offering a suite of advanced features designed to maximize sponsor engagement and ROI. Our platform integrates seamlessly with event operations, providing sponsors with unique branding opportunities and actionable insights that turn sponsorship into a profitable investment. 

Key Monetization Offerings Include:

  • Premium Badge Branding: Customizable attendee badges that feature sponsor logos, ensuring continuous brand exposure throughout the event.
  • Digital Signage at Check-In Kiosks: Sponsors can display targeted marketing messages during the check-in process, such as event-specific promotions or brand introductions, enhancing visibility.
  • Detailed Attendee Insights: Provides sponsors with valuable data on attendee demographics and behavior, enabling highly targeted follow-up campaigns.
  • Lead Retrieval Revenue Share: fielddrive’s lead retrieval app allows exhibitors to seamlessly capture attendee information. For each license sold to exhibitors, a share of the revenue is returned to the event organizers, turning this vital tool into a profitable venture.


Aligning with a sponsor’s values and mission is vital to building solid and long-lasting partnerships. Each step is crucial for success, from identifying the right sponsors to securing and maintaining these relationships. By understanding the sponsor’s goals, creating tailored proposals, and providing consistent value, you can turn sponsorship into a mutually beneficial collaboration.

fielddrive stands out as the ultimate tool for elevating your event sponsorship efforts. With its powerful features and monetization opportunities, fielddrive not only enhances sponsor engagement but also boosts profitability. 

Ready to transform your sponsorship strategy? Discover how fielddrive can take your events to the next level. Request a free demo today!


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